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Reviving a Christmas Tree

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Kathy's Parched Tree

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Tree Revived

This week my sister-in-law, Kathy, called in distress.   On Monday, upon leaving for a couple of nights away with her husband, she had a gorgeous Eyebright tree.  When she returned, her tree had wilted tips, and no water.   

My advice, was to cut a couple of inches off the trunk, and get it back in water.  If successful, the parched tree would have a big drink and the tips would revive.  Fortunately it had not gone beyond the point of no return, and it responded beautifully.

Kathy went through the anxiety of believing that her tree was a goner, plus the work of stripping off all her decorations so she could lift it out and recut the base.  Then she had to redecorate it.    Avoiding this sort of drama is the reason I came up with Eyebright Tree Saver Siphon.  

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181220 Tree Saver Siphon in action.JPG

If I’ve done nothing else with my life, at least I have saved countless Christmas trees from early death.  Kathy set up her siphon tube as per my instructions (supplied along with the tubes with every stand), but must have inadvertently dislodged one of the ends allowing it to gulp some air. The siphon tube needs to be full of water and both ends need to be under water.

You may wonder why, when Christmas trees have been around for hundreds of years, it’s only recently that providing plenty of water has become an issue.

It’s a Southern Hemisphere thing.  Where most of the Christmas trees are, in Europe and North America, it’s winter and the trees are do not have soft growth.  Even if they did, they do not have to contend with hot, sunny fifteen-hour days.  Northern Hemisphere trees use hardly any water.  That’s why stands from the Northern Hemisphere usually have a water tray about the size of a cat bowl.

Until recently, the calibre of what passed as Christmas trees in the Southern Hemisphere was so inferior that wilted tips were hardly noticed, and if noticed were thought to be normal.   

We’ve lifted the game with better trees, and better trees need better care.  Better care simply means keeping up the water.

Eyebright Tree Saver Siphons:  * Increase your water reserves.  *Make it easy to see how much water you have.

                                                          *Make it easy to top up.


If you’ve misplaced your siphon, or have never had one, ask at the counter.  It could be the best $3.00 you spend this Christmas.

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